About the Project

This new project and website is one of the outcomes of the previous research project titled “The Contribution of Rising Turkey and the BRICS Countries to Global Governance: A Comparative Analysis”, which was supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK Project No. 114K783). After the successful completion of the above mentioned project, we decided to take it a step further and launch this new initiative: Rising Powers in Global Governance. Although our previous research project sowed the seeds of this initiative, Rising Powers in Global Governance Project advances the scope, content and means of the previous work and transforms it into a long-running platform that aims to become one of the main sources for the study of rising powers and global governance by publishing research articles, opinion pieces, reports, policy briefs and seminar videos, which are all accessible to everyone. Therefore, Rising Powers in Global Governance Project is not only a new research project, but it is also a new platform that is interested in circulating different studies on related topics. In doing so, our new project seeks both to academically produce new findings on the one hand, and on the other hand to facilitate and circulate different works and opinions around the world.

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