Category: World Affairs
Jair Bolsonaro: the Brazilian Trump-Duterte mashup
8.8.2018 -
Sino-Russia Relations in the Era of Great Power Politics
13.6.2018 -
A Newly Coined Phrase: “Sharp Power” and Reasons for Attributing it to China
1.6.2018 -
Chaos in the Middle East: Its Historical Roots and a Sykes-Picot 2.0 to the Rescue
13.2.2018 -
Indonesian Presidential System and Lessons for Turkey
10.1.2018 -
Iran Protests, in the Crossfire of a Battle of Words and Images: A Six-Question Analysis
3.1.2018 -
2017: A Year of Yin and Yang Diplomacy, Featuring Donald Trump and Xi Jinping in Action
28.12.2017 -
Brazil’s Socio-integrated Model vs. Kurdish Predicament of an “Independent Statehood”
5.11.2017 -
The Fate of the Nation-State, Globalization vs. Regionalization: The Catalan Case
31.10.2017 -
South Africa’s Perspective of an Independent Kurdish State: Is it a Model to be Reckon with or may Emulate?